About Richard Heady

Richard Heady was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and lived there through high school, with the exception of a year in Manila, the Philippines, and a half year in Honolulu, during sabbatical leaves of his professor father. He attended Kalamazoo College and Western Michigan University, and graduated with a major in philosophy and a minor in English literature. For the next ten years, in several cities, he worked the kind of jobs his degree opened up for him: bookstore clerk, line worker in an auto assembly plant, cab driver, teacher’s aide in an elementary school, dishwasher, garbage man, psychiatric hospital aide, truck loader in a grocery warehouse, and emergency communications worker at a Red Cross branch. Between jobs he traveled through the U.S., Mexico, and Europe. While living for a dozen years in Philadelphia he earned a graduate degree in computer science from Temple University, which led to work in pattern recognition, image processing, machine learning, and database management for biomedical research – work he left behind after twenty years to write fiction.

His short stories have appeared in Carve Magazine, The Best of Carve Magazine, and Aethlon.

“Confluence and Divergence,” (.pdf) published in Carve Magazine, November 2002, and Bestof Carve Magazine, Volume 3, 2002.

“AKA,” (.pdf) published in Carve Magazine, March 2004.

“Two Man Game,” (.pdf) published in Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature, Fall 2004.

The Embudo Virus is Richard’s first novel.